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Child Care Assistance Program Eligibility

The Child Care Assistance Program, also known as Alternative Payment Program or voucher based program, serves eligible families who need access to free or low-cost childcare services and provides support to parents and providers. This parental choice subsidy program helps families arrange child care services and make payment for those services directly to the child care provider.

Before services are approved, parents must provide documentation of the family’s eligibility and the need for child care services. After services are approved, parents choose an eligible child care provider that offers the appropriate services and meets the family’s needs.

If you need access to free or low-cost child care, please start your CareConnect application for services today!

If you have any questions, please contact Crystal Stairs Enrollment Department.

English (323) 421 -1028

Spanish (323) 421 -1068


Click HERE to Apply

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Are you looking for child care services you can count on?

Call us (323) 299-8998 or click here to get in touch with
a Crystal Stairs Representative.

Artwork by Synthia Saint James